Hung Fat Decorations Ltd.

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Company Profile

  • Business Type:
  • Manufacturer
  • Country:
  • Hong Kong (China)
  • Employee Count:
  • 150
  • Principal Customers:
  • Tesco, Sainsburys, M&S
  • OEM:
  • YES
  • ODM:
  • YES
  • Existing Markets:
  • Europe, Oceania, Asia
  • Factory Location:
  • Puning, Guangdong Province, China
  • Factory Audited By:
  • Sedex ETI
  • Type of Machinery:
  • 20 Laser Cut, CNC, Sewing & Welding Machine
  • Production Leadtime:
  • 65-90 days
  • Monthly Productivity:
  • 500,000 pcs
  • Certificates:
  • Sedex ETI
  • Strengths:
    1. With more than 45 years of expertise in manufacturing home and seasonal decorations
    2. Own design team with good quality standard
    3. Factory passed Sedex ETI
    4. Have an excellent track record of delivering high-quality goods on time

Contact Information

  • Company Name:
  • Hung Fat Decorations Ltd.
  • Country:
  • Hong Kong (China)
  • Address:
  • 8/F, Genplas Building, 56 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
  • Website:

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