Qingdao Iro Taihe International Trade Co., Ltd

Abundant professional knowledge, long-term production & business experiences, and well equipped facilities enable us deserved to name us “CHEM”. Continuous observation to our promise, deep understanding to the customer needs and the philosophy to pursue “win-win” signifies us as credible and supportive as the "LAND"..

Chemland Group Inc. is the top chemical supplier in China with the core business of water treatment chemicals, active in all R&D, quality control (QC), marketing and technical&delivery support. With

Vision: To be the one-stop procurement solution for water treatment and relatative chemicals all over the world.


- Complete and wide range of water treatment chemicals, especially in Organophosphonate Chemicals (ATMP, HEDP, PBTCA etc with leading crystal products output) and Polymer Dispersants (AA/AMPS, MA/AA, 3100 etc).

- Consistent and superior quality from stringent QC system and modern test instrument, such as Gel Chromatograph in molecular weight distribution.

- Timely delivery based on the abundant production capacity, stable raw material supply, experienced teams in production, logistic and management, and the global distribution network.

- New and customerized product supply from the well-equiped systhesis and application laboratory staffed with professional and passionated R&D team.

Chemland has been acquiring, investing or establishing the tight relation with many other plants and companies which have the same business philosophy, and established Qingdao Iro Taihe International Trade Co., Ltd. specialied for all relevant businesses. Through integrating different resources and spreading our advantages into these corporations, Chemland expects to offer maximum support to the customers. Now, the significant progress and strengths are also gained in the following fields:

- Water Treatment Chemicals
- Biocides and Algicide
- Chelating Agents
- Oil Drilling Chemicals
- Textile Chemicals
- Food&Feed Additives

Chemicals industry needs specialised and competitive suppliers with diversified products and customerised service. We are striving!

Company Profile

  • Business Type:
  • Importer/Exporter
  • Country:
  • China

Contact Information

  • Company Name:
  • Qingdao Iro Taihe International Trade Co., Ltd
  • Country:
  • China
  • Address:
  • No.10, Hongkong Road, Middle, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China
  • Website:
  • http://www.chemland.us/

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